Web Hits
16 Sep

Zephaniah 3:17 says, “The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with LOUD SINGING.”

Just think about that! God – the Creator of all that is, has been or ever will be – rejoices over US! Not only does He do it with gladness, which means delight, BUT, He does it with LOUD singing. No telling how big the heavenly orchestra is in behind Him. Wow! Over me, over you, over each of His children everywhere. Just think – this is a personal love song from our God to us.

Did we give Him reason to delight in us this past week to the extent that His heart burst out with a LOUD song?

The first part of that verse tells us He is in our midst and mighty to save. Every time we look to Him when stress, fear, anxiety or doubts creep into our thoughts, AS we remember that He IS with us and WILL save us, quieting and calming us with His love – we have given Him delight and cause for singing a love song over us.

Has He sung over us this past week? With all the chaos He sees as He watches from His throne, let’s give Him cause to rejoice and delight.

Every time we turn to Him in prayer, everything for which we express our gratitude and thanksgiving, every petition we make on behalf of others gives Him cause to sing a song from His Father’s heart over us.

“Heavenly Father, in the midst of this mess down here, may we offset it as we determine that regardless of what we are experiencing, we ARE going to keep our eyes on the One Who has His eyes upon us... YOU! Every time we refuse to let the enemy of our souls capture our minds with fears and anxiety, we are delighting and bringing joy to You and You in turn quieten us with Your love.

May You be glorified and honored in and through our lives this week as we give You cause to sing… LOUDLY! In Jesus magnificent, all-powerful Name we pray, Amen.”

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